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Diggers, Slogans & Saves - What Really Went On in Rowing Last Week
April 19, 2023
row2k staff

Anybody lose a boat this weekend?

From boats set adrift, like the one above, to bike paths full of folks chasing races, to, yes, the first truly worthy digger of the spring, row2k caught 26 galleries of college, junior and masters racing this weekend and, well, we saw some things:

A Near Flip

Yikes, but they stayed in the boat and the race, by the very next photo, and with a cool boat name to boot: Warhorse.

And A Great Save

GIF worthy, in fact:

Tho Some Oopsies Stick

This oopsie was not quite as salvageable, sadly:

The First row2k-certified Digger of the Year it what you like, but this digger was epic, and it ain't racing season til it happens to someone...and we get a photo of it:

The water at SIRAs was grippy enough to serve up a few contenders, so honorable mentions to the Delaware and Purdue men, who almost stole the nod here--and don't worry, folks, it happens to the best of us, and the rest of us.

One New Viral Trend Started...

Apparently Speed Rigging is the latest viral trend: the original was featured in last week's row2k Instagram Highlights, and now everyone is doing it, at least in Philly:

...And Another Maybe Peaked

Even World Rowing got in on the 'Barbie Filter' a few weeks back, but UCF may have hit the apogee of the Barbie thing with this full lineup treatment:

The Birds Are Taking Over

Yep, enough eagle pics this week that they briefly dominated the gallery list on the homepage (by default our app uses the first photo of each gallery as the thumb; we swapped these up for some actual rowers once we noticed the avian swarm on the front page):

Which was fitting, by the way, since the Carnegie eagle was buzzing the launch all weekend, as you can see in the Sunday galleries here and here.

A Lotta Blade Designs

They lined up a lot of schools--and blade colors--at the 10 team Ivy Invite:

Which also meant, you guessed it: a full flagpole again down at the finish line.

School Slogan Race-off

In addition to the 'Upstream' and 'Red Team' entries from Rutgers, the Latin on the Oregon State bow in the far lane is the motto of Oregon--Alis Volat Propriis--so this was a fully slogan-ed field.

Columbia countered with Homer-ism of a different sort (and yes, their fours are a pair).

Best 'Spotted the Camera' of the Week

Sure anyone can spot the photog on the dock, but spotting us in the woods from across the course...and getting the rest of the crew to start waving, in the middle of a drill...that's next level:

As is immediately throwing up a flex when the camera goes by:

But Bow Seat's Not Impressed

Some folks, of course, are at the start line to race, not pose, and this bow seat is all business.

We also saw some:

Start Line Issues

Pre-Race Rituals

Platform Problems

"Tell me there's a headwind without saying headwind..."

FIT's Embracing the 'Where's Waldo?' Theme

When you've already got the stripes going for you, why not lean in, right?

And That Breonna Has The Best Fans

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